Welcome to Pest Animal South Bend! We are a wildlife removal company servicing South Bend, IN. Our phone operators are available around the clock, Monday through until Sunday, any time of day or night. Our technical operators can be made available to you on the same day, with urgent appointments open for emergency cases. All of our staff members are fully trained to deal with any situation, and are kept up-to-date with all the latest knowledge, tricks, and tools by attending regular field seminars. They've also got all the tools they could possibly need, on-hand, making them fully capable of dealing with every and any eventuality. We know that wildlife removal is stressful, especially when you don't really know what you're up against. Why not give us a call today to see how we can make the control process a much more stress-free one. Call us now at 574-707-8755 for your South Bend wildlife control needs.
About Pest Animal South Bend and Our Services:
How and why do South Bend skunks get inside a shed or porch? The answer this question lays both with the homeowner and
the animal. At the homeowner's part, a weak fence might allow the animal to get in or burrow under it, and any
existing cracks, holes or gaps in the construction of the fence or the home will also contribute. On the other
hand, skunks, who normally burrow dens in tree hollows and prefer wild, uninhabited areas, might seek refuge in
human territories if their habitats have been compromised. If a wildfire or cutting of the Indiana trees leaves skunks
without their natural habitat, they might inhabit human households in order to survive.
How to get Indiana skunks out from under a shed or porch? Given the fact that you simply must remove the animal, you
should also keep in mind that you should also do it in a humane way, without hurting the animal. Skunks are
harmless and valuable animals, and taking few extra steps to assure their safety is worth the effort taken.
The best way to remove a skunk from your home is by trapping and removing it. In case that a skunk habited
your shed or porch, exclusion might be more difficult because it is very easy for the animal to come back.
However, exclusion, which essentially means sealing all the exit spots using mesh wire, but one, and then
sealing the spot after the animal has gotten out during the night, is definitely an option you can try. To
properly trap and remove a South Bend skunk, you can take these steps:
1. Inspect the area for holes and gaps
Any hole and gap underneath your shed or porch might serve as an entry spot for a South Bend skunk. If you want to keep
skunks out, you need to repair and seal these spots. Not only your shed or porch but also your entire estate
should be thoroughly inspected for potential skunk entry spots. Begin with your fence, and move on to inspect
your walls, doors, windows, and roof. Also, your vents are the places skunks might use to get in, which is why
you should secure them with ¼ inch thick wire mesh. Once you are certain you've identified all the entry spots
for Indiana skunks, you can move on to your next step.
2. Track skunk moving patterns
Skunks are most likely using one spot to get in and out under your shed or porch. Remember, skunks will go outside
during the night, as they are nocturnal, to look for food. There is an easy way to track skunk's moving patterns,
and that is to spread a thin layer of either dust, sand or flower across the floor. As Indiana skunks move around the space,
they will leave their footprints, which will enable you to spot and track their moving patterns. knowing this, it
will be a lot easier for you to choose the right place to set up the trap, or exclude the animal by sealing its entry
spot while it' out.